Theatre of the Mind

Center Stage Jackson will be performing an Old Time Radio Show as a Readers Theatre Performance! 

This prerecorded program will be available on our Facebook page until Dec. 5.

Center Stage Jackson presents: Old Time Radio Show

Join us at the Carnegie Branch of Jackson District Library at 2 pm on Jan 19 to see Center Stage Jackson present a deliciously old time radio show. Included will be a science fiction show, a comedy, and a murder mystery.

FREE live readings of vintage radio plays:
* Buck Rogers: Episode 1
* Dick Tracy: The Case of the Big Top Murders

Brought to you by Center Stage Jackson’s Reader’s Theatre Series.

Readings directed by Ann Green

Admission is Free, with donations encouraged to continue the Reader’s Theatre Series.

Staged Readings are different from regular plays or musicals in that actors and actresses perform with scripts in hand, with minimal set, props and blocking. They are an excellent choice for actors that want to get their feet wet acting but do not have a lot of time to devote to a full show. There are typically only a few rehearsals and just one performance where actors are not required to memorize the material. All Center Stage Jackson Staged Readings are currently FREE to the public and located at several locations in the Jackson community.

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