Coding without Computers

This is a take and make activity that teaches kids skills needed to develop before actually even beginning to code. In this activity, patrons will learn about binary code, and make a binary coded bracelet of their initials.

Project kits will be available at all JDL branches beginning Sept. 13.

Tech Tinkering Night

Have you ever wondered what the inside of a computer looks like? This is a great opportunity for kids to take tech apart, explore how everyday electronics and machines are assembled, and discover how they work.

Intended for ages 5 and up.

Tech Take-Apart at the Eastern Branch

Feeling a little destructive?

Come by the Eastern Branch for a Tech Take-Apart! We’ll be destroying old keyboards, computers, and more to discover how they all work and how to fix and improve them.

Registration required, so please call the Eastern Branch at (517) 788-4074 to save your spot.

Intended for ages 8-18.