Exploring Our National Parks

Join us for a presentation exploring some of America’s National Parks with Jackson photographer, author and historian, Douglas Leffler.

Douglas will cover a select number of National Parks that he and his wife Sandra visited over the years, followed by a discussion on visiting Michigan’s State parks and our local parks.

Dates and Locations:

  • Summit Branch: June 17, 6 PM
  • Spring Arbor Branch: June 20, 5:30 PM
  • Carnegie Library: June 29, 3 PM
  • Brooklyn Branch: July 22, 6 PM

Intended for adults. No registration required.

This event is part of Summer Discover programming.

Get Creative – Explore Antarctica

Enjoy a breathtaking presentation of Antarctica’s unspoiled beauty by local photographer and author Douglas Leffler at the Summit Branch.

View spectacular photos of ice formations, captivating penguins, and other natural wildlife, as you listen to Leffler’s first-hand account of his Antarctic expedition.

Intended for teens and adults. Call 517-783-4030 to register.