Luna Moths at the Library

Beginning June 23, we will be raising Luna moth caterpillars and streaming a video so that you can watch their changing life cycles from caterpillar to pupa to adult! Sit back and relax while you tune in throughout the day to watch the caterpillars munching on leaves and growing. Watch the livestream here.

Help us to name our Luna Moths! Stay tuned for more details on how to send in your ideas and then vote on your favorites.

A Virtual Visit to the Critchlow Alligator Sanctuary

Critchlow Alligator Sanctuary is a place for all reptiles and amphibians to find a safe haven and proper care needed to live out their lives safely and securely. Many of the residents in the sanctuary have come from a variety of places for a variety of reasons, all needed good homes.

Lina Kelly, Alligator expert from Critchlow Alligator Sanctuary, will be answering questions from Jackson County kids! This program will be available on our Facebook page and YouTube channel.

For more information about the sanctuary, visit

Invite Nature into Your Garden with Native Plants

Wildlife is running out of space. Birds, bees, and butterflies are in decline. Wildflowers are disappearing from our roadsides. But we can take action to reverse this trend by making wise planting choices in our own yards. Come and learn how to turn your yard into a habitat for the wild creatures you love.

This program is offered in partnership with the Concord Garden Club, Friends of the Jackson District Library-Concord Branch and the Concord Branch library.

Presented by Betty Seagull, Board Member of the Wildflower Association of Michigan and past President of Wild Ones, Red Cedar Chapter. Betty is an enthusiastic gardener and nature lover.

Genot Winter Elk Picor Presents “The Coming of Winter: Stories, Songs, and Dances of the Great Lake’s First People.”

Genot Winter Elk Picor Presents “The Coming of Winter: Stories, Songs, and Dances of the Great Lake’s First People.”

Seasonal changes to the land were explained in scared narratives of the First People. Why does squirrel teach us that it is good to be prepared? Why does the sky change quickly in Michigan? How did the first potlatch-Thanksgiving come to be? Learn these stories with voice and Native American hand-talking.

We marvel at the wonders of the earth, sky, and water! Join Genot Winter Elk Picor and thanks for nature!

Intended for 3rd through 5th graders.

“Our Majestic Great Lakes”

Join the Carnegie Branch for a book review and a presentation by the author, Loreen Niewenhuis.

In 2009, Loreen Niewenhuis walked the perimeter of Lake Michigan and wrote the bestselling book, A 1,000-Mile Walk On The Beach. In 2012, Loreen took another long journey, covering 1,000 miles of shoreline touching all five Great Lakes. The book about this latest adventure, A 1,000-Mile Great Lakes Walk, explores the entire Great Lakes system.

In this presentation, Loreen will take you along the shores of all five Great Lakes and many of the waterways connecting them. In words, photos, and video, you’ll explore the geology, hydrology, and natural history of the largest system of freshwater lakes in the world. She will also illuminate the threats to this massive ecosystem: invasive species, pollution, destruction of wetlands, and the gradual warming of the lakes.

Niewenhuis speaks with the authority of an expert as she has an M.S. degree in biological sciences. She raises the important questions about preserving our wild places and protecting the fragile ecosystems on which we all depend.

Please, join us as we explore the Great Lakes with author Loreen Niewenhuis.

Image result for loreen niewenhuis open at 6:30 p.m. for mingling and refreshments.

Intended for all ages.