Tech Tinkering Night

Have you ever wondered what the inside of a computer looks like? This is a great opportunity for kids to take tech apart, explore how everyday electronics and machines are assembled, and discover how they work.

Intended for ages 5 and up.

Yoga at the Meijer Branch

Come Join us for yoga with Jeanette Lamphere from Befitting Yoga Connection. Experience the physical and health benefits of yoga no matter your age.

Don’t forget, this class is every week on Fridays at 8:30 a.m. There is a suggested donation of $3.

“Those benefits have been reported in numerous studies, most of them done in the past few years, involving “yoga interventions” with older adults here and abroad. Researchers have found that regular practice led to reduced incidence of chronic back pain; improve sleep quality and mood; a better sense of well-being and quality of life; improvement in heart health, rheumatoid arthritis, and type 2 diabetes; and greater overall physical fitness.” ~ AARP John Hanc

Yoga at the Meijer Branch

Come Join us for yoga with Jeanette Lamphere from Befitting Yoga Connection. Experience the physical and health benefits of yoga no matter your age.

Don’t forget, this class is every week on Fridays at 8:30 a.m. There is a suggested donation of $3.

“Those benefits have been reported in numerous studies, most of them done in the past few years, involving “yoga interventions” with older adults here and abroad. Researchers have found that regular practice led to reduced incidence of chronic back pain; improve sleep quality and mood; a better sense of well-being and quality of life; improvement in heart health, rheumatoid arthritis, and type 2 diabetes; and greater overall physical fitness.” ~ AARP John Hanc

Yoga at the Meijer Branch

Come Join us for yoga with Jeanette Lamphere from Befitting Yoga Connection. Experience the physical and health benefits of yoga no matter your age.

Don’t forget, this class is every week on Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m. There is a suggested donation of $3.

“Those benefits have been reported in numerous studies, most of them done in the past few years, involving “yoga interventions” with older adults here and abroad. Researchers have found that regular practice led to reduced incidence of chronic back pain; improve sleep quality and mood; a better sense of well-being and quality of life; improvement in heart health, rheumatoid arthritis, and type 2 diabetes; and greater overall physical fitness.” ~ AARP John Hanc