JXN Community Forum – Oh SNAP!: Changes to SNAP Benefits

The SNAP (Supplemental Assistance Nutrition Program) program is changing. At the end of 2018 residents of Jackson who receive the snap benefits are being required to work, volunteer, or be part of a job training program 20 hours per week in order to receive their benefits.

The March forum will be a panel with members of a variety of agencies (DHHS, United Way, Southwestern Michigan Works) there to speak about how things are changing, and how a person makes sure that they continue to qualify for SNAP benefits.

The JXN Community Forums are free and open programs to facilitate dialogue about challenging issues of our day. The forums are co-sponsored by The League of Women Voters and the Jackson District Library.

For additional information about this event, please contact Jackson District Library via email at reference@myjdl.com or by phone 517-788-4087.

Jackson Community Forum: No Neighbor Left Behind

The Jackson Citizens Advisory Council was formed recently to advocate for citizens in order to solve problems and create a more peaceful community. Learn about two recent projects: increased street lighting on the South Side and saving homes from foreclosure. Explore these and other current issues as well as the perspectives of various stakeholders.
The JXN Community Forums are free and open programs to facilitate dialogue about challenging issues of our day. The forums are co-sponsored by the League of Women Voters and the Jackson District Library.
For additional information about this event, please contact Jackson District Library via email at reference@myjdl.com or by phone at (517) 788-4087.