Accessing Genealogy Resources: The U.S. Census

Learn how to use the U.S. Census to search for family records and history at the Carnegie Library on April 28 from 10 AM – 12 PM at the Carnegie Library.

This program will be presented by the Jackson County Genealogical Society and will include a basic overview of resources for researching African American genealogy.


African American Genealogy

Join local historian Laurie Perkins on February 11 at 10 AM at the Carnegie Library for a presentation on using Census Records, Maps and Atlases to discover early African American settlers in Cambridge Township.

In case of inclement weather, this event will be rescheduled to February 18 at 10 AM.

The Jackson County Genealogical Society will present a follow-up workshop on February 25 at 10 AM at the Carnegie Library to provide hands-on help for accessing genealogy resources.

Cancelled: African American Genealogy

**Update: The February 25 session has been cancelled due to the presenter experiencing a power outage. We are working to reschedule this program.**


Join local historian Laurie Perkins on February 11 at 10 AM at the Carnegie Library for a presentation on using Census Records, Maps and Atlases to discover early African American settlers in Cambridge Township.

In case of inclement weather, this event will be rescheduled to February 18 at 10 AM.

The Jackson County Genealogical Society will present a follow-up workshop on February 25 at 10 AM at the Carnegie Library to provide hands-on help for accessing genealogy resources.

Genealogy Workshop

Are you looking to research your family but don’t know where to start? Join us at the Carnegie Library for a Beginners Genealogy Workshop presented by Marge Herman from the Jackson County Genealogical Society.

You’ll have the chance to learn about genealogy databases available at JDL and resources available at the Jackson County Genealogical Society.


Jackson County Genealogical Society Speakers

The Jackson County Genealogical Society will present on various local genealogy topics.

March 7: Eric Alli on the RR Scandal

April 4: Hackett Auto Museum, discussing the history of the automobile in Jackson County

May 2: No speaker, JCGS annual spring dinner