“Edmund Fitzgerald – The Stories, The Song”

Join the Lost Railway Museum and Mike Fornes for a tribute to the Edmund Fitzgerald.

Mike Fornes presents a story-telling, musical program about the loss of a Great Lakes ship, its crew, and the song telling the ship’s haunting tale. Hear the stories of the crewmembers, their families, and the ironies of a doomed ship in one of the worst storms in Great Lakes History.

This is a partnership with the Lost Railway Museum to bring historical programs to the area.

For more information, please call the Grass Lake Branch at (517) 522-8211. The event will take place at the Lost Railway Museum in Grass Lake.

Intended for Adults.


Michigan in World War I: Stores of the Homefront

Help the Meijer Branch remember the 100th Anniversary of World War I.

Michigan’s contribution to World War I was more than just its service people. It was the center for a spy ring, a starting point of the peace movement, center for airplane production and armaments, and so much more.

Intended for All Ages.

Untangling Quilt Codes of the Underground Railroad

Local historian Linda Hass will present this program that correlates with her research in Jackson County. She will talk about the pros and cons of codes used in quilt patterns to aid those on the Underground Railroad. Linda has a quilt she will bring for the presentation.

“The patterns and pieces are sewn by a master quilter to specifically coordinate with the book (Hidden In Plain Sight: The Underground Railroad in Jackson County by Linda Hass); The fabrics are 100% reproduction materials from the Civil War era and the end result is handquilted/stitched by an Amish family from Camden, Michigan. I give them all the credit for this tactile work of art! I have the easy part–talking about the fascinating story and symbolism behind each pattern.”

Copies of her book will be on sale with a portion of the profits going to Carnegie Friends of the Library.

Intended for adults.

World War II Stories of Jackson

Every picture has a story, and Jackson certainly has some stories to tell!

Sue Weible tells the background stories of Jackson’s World War II military effort and support using pictures from Jackson’s Call to Greatness, a history book highlighting Jackon veterans and their heroes back home. Learn the unknown details behind some of the book’s iconic images!

Call the Grass Lake Branch at (517) 522-8211 or the Michigan Military Heritage Museum at (517) 926-6696 for more information.

Intended for adults.

A Walk Through Jackson’s Past: A Guided Tour Through Mt. Evergreen Cemetery

Join JDL, Jackson’s Historic District Commission, and Center Stage Jackson for a guided tour through Mt. Evergreen Cemetery!

This is a one hour guided walking tour through the rolling hills of Mt. Evergreen Cemetery. We will be stopping by some of Jackson’s more famous people and families to learn about them. The tour will also shed light on some lesser known, but no less fascinating, people with their own stories to tell.

For organizational purposes, please show up 10 minutes before the tour starts.

The hour-long tours start at:

  • 3:00 p.m.
  • 4:00 p.m.
  • 5:00 p.m.
  • 6:00 p.m.

Reservations are required, so please call Adult Services at (517) 788-4087 (ext. 1339) to reserve your spot today.

Image result for center stage jackson

Larry Martin: In Their Own Words

Join JDL and the First United Methodist Church of Jackson for another installment of Larry Martin’s In Their Own Words!

Lee Zimmerman was a bombardier aboard a B-17 in the Mighty 8th Air Force. His B-17 was shot down on his 22nd mission over Germany on November 30, 1944, resulting in Lee becoming a POW in Barth, Germany at the Stalag Luft #1. Lee’s internment lasted until the May of 1945.

Listen as Mr. Zimmerman tells what it is like facing flak as well as German fighter planes. Despite receiving no parachute training, Lee always wondered what it would take him to put on a parachute and bail out of his B-17, and eventually, Lee was forced to do just that. Zimmerman also tells of being threatened with death by the Hitler Youth.

Intended for adults.

Larry Martin: In Their Own Words

Join JDL and the First United Methodist Church of Jackson for another installment of Larry Martin’s In Their Own Words!

Dick Thelen was 18 years old when he enlisted in the Navy, and he was eventually assigned to serve aboard the Indianapolis. Only July 30, 1945, The Indianapolis was attacked and sank a little after midnight in only 15 minutes. There were 1,195 men on board. About 300 men died in the sinking with about 900 men going into the dark, cold foreboding Pacific Ocean. They jumped off into nearly total darkness with a lot of black oil on the water that they ingested.

Dick will tell what it is like to be in shark-infested waters for four and a half days with the Navy not even searching for the “Indy.” Only 317 men came out of the Pacific Ocean, making the sinking of the USS Indianapolis one of the worst naval disasters ever. Many men lost their minds from lack of water and food. Some men were on rafts, but Dick was in the ocean the entire four and a half days and his Mae West lifejacket was becoming more waterlogged all the time, barely keeping him above water.

Intended for adults.

Jackson County Genealogical Society Meeting

The JCGS (Jackson County Genealogical Society) will hold their meetings at the Meijer Branch Library. Various speakers on different genealogical subjects throughout the year.

Social hour at 6 p.m. and speakers at 6:30 p.m.


  • September 4 – None; the group will share experiences over the summer
  • October 2 – Karen Krugman speaking on Stumble
  • November 6 – Shirley Hodges speaking on Michigan to Ontario migration

Genealogy 101

Learn how to do genealogy research. Explore your family’s past using the Ancestry and HeritageQuest websites. In addition, find out about the library’s local history collection housed in the Minter-VanOrman Room.

Registration Required. Call the hosting branch to reserve a spot.

Sunday, Nov. 18 @ 2 p.m.

Genealogy 101

Learn how to do genealogy research. Explore your family’s past using the Ancestry and HeritageQuest websites. In addition, find out about the library’s local history collection housed in the Minter-VanOrman Room.

Registration Required. Call the hosting branch to reserve a spot.

Saturday, Nov 10 @ 12 noon