Reanimation ConCon Film Chats

Join us on the first and third Fridays in March and April to discuss and dissect selected films on the topic of reanimation, led by special guest moderators, as a part of Con Con 2021. Participants can watch the films for free with a JDL library card on Kanopy before joining in the discussion.

March 5: The Black Cat (TV-MA) To watch the recording of the program, click here.

March 19: White Zombie (TV-PG) To join the Zoom chat, click here.

April 2: Night of the Living Dead (TV-14) To join the Zoom chat, click here.

Dungeons & Dragons @ Eastern

Create your own character and band together with other stalwart adventurers in a 5th Edition D&D campaign. Battle hordes of creatures. Loot all the gold. Bask in the glory as the bards sing your praises. Courtesy of the Eastern Branch, your Dungeon Master, and your imagination.

Beginners are welcome!

Registration required, so be sure to call the Eastern Branch at (517) 788-4074 to save your spot.