Infinite Landscapes Animation

Join us at the Carnegie Library to transform a drawing of your favorite scenery and collaborate to create an infinite looping animation of shifting, imaginative landscapes.

Intended for all ages 8+. Call 517-905-1331 to register.

Ancient Animation

Explore the world of early animation devices and optical toys that led to the inventions of animation and cinema. Participants will learn the techniques used by early inventors to make moving images, and create their own thaumatropes, zoetropes, and other early motion-picture illusions.

Intended for ages 8+. Call the Carnegie Library at 517-905-1331 to register.

Infinite Animation Loop

Collaborate to transform a drawing and create an infinite animation loop at the Carnegie Library!

Ages 8+. Call 517-905-1331 to register.

DIY: Zoetropes

Calling all aspiring animators and film aficionados! Come explore animation through zoetropes, an early animation device.

Image result for zoetropes

Registration required. Call the hosting branch to reserve a spot.

Intended for ages 8-15.

Friday, September 28 – Henrietta @ 5:00 p.m.
(517) 769-6537

Monday, October 1 – Concord @ 4:00 p.m.
(517) 905-1379

Wednesday, October 3 – Spring Arbor @ 3:00 p.m.
(517)  750-2030

Monday, October 15 – Hanover @ 4:00 p.m.
(517) 905-1399

Monday, October 22 – Summit @ 5:00 p.m.
(517) 783-4030

Thursday, October 25 – Eastern @ 6:00 p.m.
(517) 788-4480

Saturday, November 3 – Carnegie @ 2:00 p.m.
(517) 788-4087

Saturday, November 10 – Meijer @ 2:00 p.m.
(517) 788-4480