Birds of Prey: A Bird’s Eye View

Join us to discover birds of prey, including hawks, owls and falcons from the Outdoor Discovery Center! You’ll get to see the birds up close and learn about their habitat, as well as explore hands-on artifacts including skulls, feathers, pelts, and talons.

Families are welcome. No registration required.

Dates and Locations:

  • Brooklyn Branch: June 13, 11:30 AM
  • Summit Branch (held at Vandercook Lake Lions Club): June 13, 2 PM
  • Eastern Branch: June 27, 11 AM
  • Meijer Branch: July 26, 11 AM
  • Carnegie Library: July 26, 1:30 PM
  • Parma Branch (held at the Parma Masonic Lodge): July 26, 4 PM

This event is part of Summer Discover programming.

City Critters

Presented by the Detroit Zoological society, this program will introduce participants to the wild animals who share their neighborhoods, help them build empathy for these animals, and show them how they can help the animals.

This program will be available on our Facebook page and here on our website July 19-25.

Dinosaur Tails & Tales

Join PaleoJoe, paleontologist, dinosaur hunter, and storyteller to learn what tales dinosaur tails can tell. Have you ever wondered why the Stegosaurus has spikes on his tail? Why are the Longneck Dinosaurs equipped with such long tails?

Hear about and see the Dinosaur with 4 long Pheasant-like tail FEATHERS. Dinosaur stories from a real Dinosaur Digger who returned recently from a dig in South Dakota.

If you were unable to join us for the live program, you can enjoy the recording until July 18 here.

Baffling Bill the Magician

Take a virtual trip to Baffling Bill’s Illusionarium Magic Theater for a spectacular illusion show!

This program will be available on our Facebook page and here on our website July 5-11.

ARK Animal Encounters

This presentation by ARK Animal Encounters features 5-6 animals while blending education and entertainment.

This program will be available on our Facebook page and here on our website June 28-July 4.

Professor Snoopenheimer Snoops Out Kooky Kryptids

The brilliant but eccentric (well… “kooky” really) professor, who last summer snooped out fairies, trolls and elves (oh my!) is back at it in 2021! This time he’s snooping out “kryptids” (well… “cryptids” really)- mysterious “hidden” (“crypt”) animals (Bigfoot, Nessie etc.) that may exist but not proven to exist.

Now cryptids can be spooky, but with Professor Snoopenheimer doing the snooping, they’re only kooky and lots of fun! What’s also fun is to snoop out the hidden and wonderful things you can learn, places you can go, things you can see… like animal “tails and tales” you can read in a book!

This program will be available on our Facebook page and here on our website from June 21-27.

Fantastical Beasts

Dreaming of dragons, gryphons, and more? Look no further than your own backyard for beasts of myth and legend! Explore the magical adaptations of Michigan’s wildlife with this live animal presentation by the Howell Nature Center, including native birds, mammals, and reptiles and learn that the supernatural is just that – SUPER NATURE!

To watch the recording of the live program, click here.

Oliver’s Animal Adventures

Presented by Alex Thomas & Friends, this program mixes the silliness of puppetry with a series of live exotic animals for an educational and entertaining virtual program! Each day from June 7-11 a new video will premiere on our Facebook page and here on our website.

Featured Animals:

Lynx: Available June 7-13

Kinkajou: Available June 8-14

Python: Available June 9-15

Guinea Pig: Available June 10-16

Tortoise: Available June 11-17

These short videos are designed to be easier for your family to enjoy on your own schedule.

Q&A with the Oklahoma City Zoo

Tune in to connect live with Elephants and Rhinos from the Oklahoma City Zoo, while Alex, the expert on both species, will inform and answer questions from participants.

This program will take place on Zoom. To watch the recording, click here.

Lowry’s Little Flock Farm

Come meet alpacas Bruno, Gandy, Tom Tom, Betty and their baby friends!

This program is located in the park next to the Spring Arbor Police and Fire Station